Hail to the first post
This is where the best part comes in - your thoughts and ideas about your trade, influential people and technologies, current trends and new philosophies you wish to share with your visitors.
Mind you that a blog is effective when posts are linked and shared on social medias.
If you use platforms such as Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn, it is crucial that you repost your own entries once published - to attract traffic towards your site and consolidate traction. It is good for referencing and will help place lynharding.com further up on Google searches.
Another thing to bear in mind is that writing blog posts can be daunting and tiring exercise. You could set up an agenda of topics and issues you would like to discuss to start with, and post regularly (every week/fortnight is good). Most bloggers' strategy is to write several posts in a row when they feel inspired - there's nothing like a looming deadline to freeze you in your track and in front of a blank page.
If eventually you decide not to pursue this activity, I advise we suspend the page so as not to make it available - a blog with no new entries in months won't look good.